Blog Break- Lebanon, TN Photographer

Hey strangers!!  I just wanted to let you all know that I’m still alive, kicking & shooting!  I’ve taken a little time off from the blog this week to try and get caught up and get those last minute Christmas sessions done & out the door.  The end (& a much needed break) is in sight!!  I have 8!!! more days left of working my other job, and I’m super excited to have more time to devote to my family, my clients, and my blog!  I have a feeling you’ll be seeing ALOT more from me in the coming months, and probably lots more personal posts as well.  I abandoned my personal blog awhile back, but man, I miss it!  So, prepare yourselves for lots of cuteness in the form of my 2 crazy kids!  A couple of previews will probably be posted this afternoon, so check back often! 

btw…Does anyone have any awesome recommendations for Christmas gifts for 5 1/2 year old boys?????  Grant is SUPER hard to buy for this year, and truth be told i am WAAAAAY behind on Christmas shopping for everyone!  I still have no idea when it’s going to happen.  SO – if anyone’s up for being my personal shopper the next few weeks, let me know :)!  just kidding..kind of.

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